Customer Story
2 min read

New England Community Medical Services

Improving the patient experience with ShareFile

November 28, 2023


With ShareFile, New England Community Medical Services (NECMS):


  • Simplifies internal and external processes in one system


  • Streamlines more than 100 patient onboarding packets a week with integrated e-signature workflows


  • Completely digitized and secured patient medical records, while remaining HIPAA compliant


  • Protected data from a flood by securing important records inside ShareFile’s cloud storage



Expanding ShareFile in NECMS

NECMS provides reliable and trustworthy assisted living and long-term care to the greater Boston area. Elizabeth Camacho, Director of Finance & Administration, joined NECMS in 2019 with a goal to continue improving processes that can help NECMS create the best patient experience possible. NECMS’s sister company, New England Inpatient, had already implemented ShareFile. 


After a short period using ShareFile, Elizabeth realized it could help NECMS improve their workflows around appointment service agreements, insurance credentialing, electronic patient records, death certificates, and more.



Scaling securely

To keep NECMS running smoothly, Elizabeth needed an easy-to-use, scalable solution that helped the organization stay secure and compliant. For internal purposes, ShareFile stores important NECMS employee files like onboarding and 401k forms in secure folders, allowing only essential personnel access while enabling admins to track each access point for even more granular control. That level of visibility is essential for NECMS. “I can easily see what an employee did and take action accordingly, which makes our life easier,” Elizabeth said.



Expediting patient-facing and external-facing processes

NECMS also uses ShareFile for patient and external-facing processes to make things simple and streamlined. Patient-onboarding packets are templatized and sent through ShareFile e-signature for easy completion wherever the patient is located. This convenient, simple process improves the overall experience for the patient. The signature completion also triggers a notification for the staff, who know when tasks are done. Elizabeth and her team can take immediate action and move things along. This speeds up the signing process and back-office workstreams so patients get faster service.


Order requests are submitted and completed through ShareFile so there’s one source of truth for order status. Medical record requests can also be completed quickly. “We don’t want to fax 127 pages,” Elizabeth said. “We upload the request to ShareFile and send it that way since we know everything is secure.”


NECMS also processes up to 100 death certificates per week, which the team manages with ShareFile. And when they do need to send emails, NECMS uses the ShareFile for Google Workspace integration to simplify and maintain secure file sharing outside ShareFile. 




Reducing and mitigating risk

The NECMS office flooded in early 2023, ruining multiple computers. While this event might have caused panic for a company with on-prem and paper storage, Elizabeth and the rest of the NECMS team was able to continue working as if nothing happened thanks to ShareFile. “ShareFile saved us,” Elizabeth said. “We had a flood in our office and lost computers, but it was no big deal. We put everything in the cloud with ShareFile, so everything was in one secure spot.” As work was being done to the office, the team was able to work remotely and access all of their files without a problem.



Learn more about New England Community Medical Services, and explore how ShareFile can improve your client and internal workflows while helping your organization stay compliant.

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