Customer Story
2 min read

Dover Funds

Streamlining Real Estate Operations: How Podio Helps Dover Funds Save Daily Hours

November 07, 2023


With Podio, Dover Funds:


  • Saves more than two hours per day eliminating manual data entry for leads and pipeline management


  • Accelerates deal closures through automated lead generation


  • Ensures client data security and privacy


From spreadsheets to success


Every moment counts in the real estate industry. Small businesses, especially, must operate at high levels of efficiency, and each team member usually wears multiple hats. For Jay Patel, Founder and General Manager of Chicago-based Dover Funds, helping his team make more time for the work that matters most led to changes in his organization. Jay and his team, like many others in the industry, faced the daunting challenge of manually entering massive amounts of data in spreadsheets to track leads, causing delays in lead response times. He researched a few different CRM solutions, but favorable pricing brought him to Podio, a platform used by many real estate businesses. 



Maximizing efficiency with Podio


After deciding to go with Podio, Jay went right to work with his IT team to configure Dover Funds’ workspaces to align with employees’ specific needs. The lead form on their website connected directly to Contacts and Sales Leads apps in Podio to kick off customer engagement. With Podio, Dover Funds’ sales team efficiently tracks leads, periodically updating fields like lead strength and stage of funnel. Dover Funds also has integrated smrtPhone in Podio so they can call and text directly from Podio, consolidating their work in one convenient location.


Additionally, they track which offers they make to prospective clients, enabling sellers to access comprehensive lead histories in a single, user-friendly interface. Jay makes sure to use Podio’s extensive automation capabilities to trigger movement of contacts to other apps when specific criteria are met.


“With a click of a button, I can have a lead move from my leads app to a transaction app,” Jay said. “That’s great.”


The most impactful part of the Podio value proposition has been the time Jay and his team have saved on manual work. He always knew how much time his team spent on data entry when using just spreadsheets, but the time savings the team realized surpassed even his expectations. “We saved hours, weeks,” Jay said. “It’s relieved a lot of manual work. The simplicity of having everything in a unified platform really optimized Dover Funds’ operations.”




Continuing to learn


It’s only the beginning of Jay’s Podio journey. He’s committed to exploring innovative ways to automate processes and maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of his Podio workspaces. What’s next for Dover Funds? Building out a comprehensive KPI dashboard in Podio that can serve as a comprehensive hub for tracking metrics he and his team rely on to measure success. 


Learn more about how Dover Funds helps potential sellers get to the next stage of their life, and see how you can leverage the capabilities of Podio to transform your business.

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